Join us for worship at 9 a.m. on Sundays.
Want to dig deeper? Come to a Christian Education class. Classes are available for all ages and will help you grow in your faith and connect with a supportive community. Check our calendar for class details.
Want to make deep friendships and enduring connections…and feel a purpose beyond yourself? Join (or lead!) a small group or ministry team.
From the moment you enter our church located near downtown Green Bay, we hope you’ll feel welcomed and valued. No matter where you are in your faith journey, we want you to know we are there to lift you up and help you understand the power of God’s love to transform your life.
GRACE is the open arms, charitable love of God that is freely given to us. When a person comes face to face with God’s grace, their response is to return thanksgiving and praise. We hope you will be surprised when you worship at First United Church of Christ. We work hard to make sure every Sunday is unique in some way. Using worship teams, praise band, choir, drama, dance, relevant videos, we blend old and new worship traditions and expand scriptural themes with interest and integrity. The goal of worship is to be engaging, questioning, God-honoring and life-changing.