If convenience is your thing, or maybe you don’t even have a checkbook anymore, don’t worry. We’ve got options for you to give electronically. Here are the ways to give to us electronically:
1. Give through your BANK’S BILL PAY feature, if you bank has that feature.
2. Give via the “Vanco Faith” APP on your mobile device.
3. Give via the Vanco WEBSITE from your desktop, laptop, notebook, or phone.
Bank Bill Pay Feature

Setting this up takes just a few minutes and makes recurring giving very easy. You can cancel the bill pay feature any time. The advantage of this way of giving is there are no fees associated with this feature (unless you pay from your credit card, then standard credit card fees apply). If you use your checking account as the source of funds, all of your funds go directly to the church. This results in a maximum contribution and allows your dollars to stretch the farthest!
App Instructions
To give using the app, simply click on the image below to go directly to the app in either the Apple app store or Google Play store. Or, you can head to the app market and search for “Vanco Faith.” Once you locate the app, download it to your device. Then follow the instructions below to make a gift. (Note: click on left arrows to expand the instructions if you need more detail.)
The first time using the app, you’ll need to create an account. On subsequent visits, the app will either remember who you are or ask you to login.
This is where you choose First United Church of Christ as your organization to receive your gift(s). Our address is 509 S. Webster Ave.
The “Give” button is purple and located at the bottom of the screen.
Click the “Give to” drop-down arrow to select the fund you’d like to contribute to. There are currently four choices: General Fund, Scrip, Blanket Sunday, Easter Flower Tribute.
Once you click on the “Give Now” button, you’ll have the opportunity to set the dollar amount of the gift as well as the frequency.
Enter the amount of your gift. (Please note–their is a minimum gift of $3.00 to cover processing fees.)
Also enter the frequency. You can choose a one time immediate gift, a one time gift in the future, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Here you choose your method of payment and enter the details accordingly. Your choices are credit card, debit card, or bank account. You can even save the method of payment if you’d like to make it easier next time. That’s not required though.
Vanco Payments provides the highest level of Internet security for all of its banking transactions.
Reviewing is the last step. Once satisfied the details are all in order, you can select “Complete Donation” to finalize the transaction.
Website Instructions
You can donate without using the app. Simply click on the button to the right to be automatically directed to the full website or the mobile version of the website. It chooses based on the device you’re using.
Did you know you can make a donation as a guest OR you can quickly set up an account? Having an account allows you to keep track of your donations. Handy!
You will be asked to enter your financial information. Rest assured Vanco Payments uses the latest in security for all financial transactions.
You can use one method or mix it up. Whatever works best for you is what’s best for us.
Whether it’s a one time gift or a recurring donation, we sincerely appreciate your generosity. It allows us to continue the important work of spreading the news of Jesus’ promise so that all might feel and know His grace and love.
If you’d like to make a financial commitment by pledging to give, that’s greatly appreciated as it helps us plan our annual budget. Read the pledge letter here and turn in this form.