"Let the little children come to me."
Graphic image of Jesus with open arms
(Mark 10:14)

Sunday Praise School

Praise School at First United Church of Christ is all about the one most important thing in life: a growing relationship with Jesus. Praise School is for children ages 4 through 5th grade, and the aim is to help children know that they are beloved and part of God’s work in the world. Through meaningful activities, discussion and personal challenges, students take their learning to heart. Our goal is to make these the best hours of your child’s month! 

Praise School is currently offered on the second and third Sunday of each month during the school year.  Children go to Praise School during the last 30 minutes of worship, and grown ups can reconnect with their kiddos in the sanctuary at the end of worship. You can see Praise School schedule here and register your child.  Please let us know if you’ll be attending individual sessions by using the RSVP feature on the calendar.  (Knowing how many children are attending helps us make sure we have enough supplies for everyone!)

 See below for some photos of last summer’s Vacation Bible Adventures!